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Data, What Data???

We all know the saying "Garbarge in, garbarge out" and yet it never ceases to amaze me how often we overlook the data. It is like it does not register that data needs to be moved from one system to another. However, it is ten times worse when the data is manual and it needs to move into a system.

The really scary part is that there is no one who wants to own the data. It is like the story of Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody 😟.

So a critical component to any data migration or management is there has to an owner. In a previous life, I volunteered to be the data owner and had to move over 200 role profiles into a system. During that time, despite the stress, there was also something very soothing about creating order and structure to the data by inputting it into Excel and then when we went Live, it was like a miracle to see the data organised and accessible. That's right Nobody thanked me, although Everybody agreed that Somebody had done what Anybody could do. 😜

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