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HR Systems 101

In my career, I happened onto HR Systems by accident but it was definitely love at first sight. It amazed and fascinated me that you could automate and integrate the entire HR Value Chain into a system to benefit the employee, managers and ultimately the organization.

However, after 2 years of implementing different modules, when I REALLY looked up to see how people were reacting to the amazing modules we were implementing one after the other, I learnt that the biggest stumbling block is not the system or the process but people and politics.

That day I learnt an even more valuable lesson, change management and operational implementation is key in a delivery of a system. You have to take people along with you and when you deliver the system, you can just expect that people will be amazed and start using it, you have to sometimes pull them along showing them the value they are going to get and then when you look back a year later and you hear: "I pulled that report from the system and used it as part of the Exco pack and everyone finally got what I've been trying to say about productivity." That is now when you have delivered a system 😊

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